Joseph Cornell
Earlier this year, we made abstract relief sculptures out of wood. In this project, we will be exploring and making some different types of assemblage sculptures.
We will begin by looking at some assemblages by Joseph Cornell. Cornell was one of the pioneers of assemblage, and remains one of the most influential artists for this type of art. We will also look at the work of several other artists-- some that are directly influenced by Cornell, and some others that are not.
After you look at the images below, read the questions at the bottom of this post, and answer the questions by posting a comment.
What we will be doing in class:
You will make an assemblage sculpture. It will take one of two forms:
1) in a wooden box, similar to the work of Joseph Cornell
2) freestanding / full round
Themes: you must choose one of the two themes for your sculpture:
1) symbolic self-portrait
2) good vs. evil
You will be receiving a handout with the specific details of this assignment.
(click on images below for a larger view)
Joseph Cornell





Work by artists who have been influenced by Joseph Cornell










Freestanding / Full Round Assemblage
(by various artists)













Answer these questions by making a "comment". Be sure to put your NAME on your comment!
1) What are some of the main features or characteristics of Cornell's assemblages (images 1-5)?
2) Consider the work of the artists influenced by Cornell, as shown above (images 6 through 15). Compare this work to Cornell's. What similarities do you see? What are some differences?
3) Select one of the Freestanding / Full Round Assemblage images that you like (17-27). Give the number of the piece, and then describe the piece and explain why you like it. Be specific-- a comment such as "I like it because it's really sweet" is not acceptable.
4) Off the top of your head, what kinds of things might you look for to use in your assemblage?
5) Where are some places you might look to find objects for this project?
6) Bonus question-- copy and paste links to a couple images of assemblages that you like, and explain what you like about them (they should be either similar to work by Joseph Cornell or freestanding / full round assemblages, as shown above).
Again, remember to put your NAME on your comment!
Caitlin DeMara
1.) The main features and characteristics of Cornell's assemblages seem to be that all of his items seem t be specefically picked out and thought out instead of making something about completely random out of place items. His pieces are not all that flashy.
2.) The pieces that are influenced by Cornell contain more toys and plastic pieces as compared to Cornell's that is a lot of corresponding elements and wood. the influenced pieces seem to follow one theme like Cornell's pieces do.
3.) #27. A) It is from Toy Story: great movie. B) According to the movie, it was put together by a bunch of different broken toy parts. C) Combination of robot/spider/human.
4.)I'm thinking abou using pieces of old toys, especially ones like Mcdonald's or fast food toys you get because they are always colorful, easy to take apart, and hve various small pieces to them. Or, I may use different types of art supplies to create something that ertains to the two themes we were given to choose from. (especially in color scheme)
5.)Some places I may look will be in the art room at my house or in the boxes and bags of old stuff we have at home from me. Garage sales are also good places to find cheap, useable, and interesting items to arrange and use.
This piece almost looks like a collage of items, the common theme seems to be the arying eyeballs that are thrown in the mix. I like te assemblage art pieces that are in boxes the best.
I seem to be a fan of the pieces that are very collage-like. I like the items that are involved in this piece, like the car emblem, and the cigarettes and the crushed cup.
This piece creates one piece of artwork out of many other tiny corresponding pieces. It reminds me of when you use little pictures to create a very large one.
1)Cornell's work is in a box and it also has a lot of little compartments.
2)Some similarities are that the work is done in a box. Some Differences are that the work also continues outside of the box or the project is free-standing.
3)I like 27 because it is the little toy from Toy Story. I also like it because it is some weird metal spider with a baby doll head.
4)I would probably use some of my own photography and some other little nick-nacks.
5)There are a whole lot of little things that I can find in my room or around my house.
I like this box assemblage because I like how it has little compartments filled with different things. I also like the box assemblages the best. I've been wanting to make one really bad.
1. He seems to like old maps and just old household items, like stamps and corks.
2. They seem to do a lot of peices involving baby dolls, which is rather repetitive and annoying. It's creepy, I get it.. macabre. Cornell's are so much more cool and unique.
3. I like the one with the animal bone on the stand(#17), simply because I like bones and it's not nearly as typically macbre, with no baby doll in sight. I also like #24 because it's so drasically different, and I love the use of metal!
4. Off the top of my head, I'd probably use peices of broken stained glass, bits of metal and some stones, sticks, leaves, and other natural things.
5. My grandpa's basement and backyard is all I'll need.
6. http://www.artavenuegardenstudios.com/images/IMG_0586.jpg - Cool gears, I love clocks and watches.
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_jN0xbeDJ9Sc/SPV3Z7JxDWI/AAAAAAAACrE/WaCBBSmTlCM/s400/2008-0029x.jpg Unique, intersting, and would look great on display at home.
http://images.etsy.com/all_images/d/d9d/cec/il_430xN.5473897.jpg - I love ones that use metal.
http://mosshill.blogs.com/.a/6a00d8341c01c053ef00e5547b207c8833-320wi - Everything it's made out of looks so old and rusted, which gives it a very cool look.
~Lindsey Burcar
1.he shows human and junk like quality mostly a human figure.
2.well most of the figures have doll parts and human features with old devicesfrom alarm clocks to cooking timers.
3.19,a few steel pictures with pool balls on top of the, i think it shows feminine qualities from bust to figure.
4.garbage or that big wine bottle that you denied last year.
5.like i just said from the garbage.
6.its a bonus i don't feel like it.
kurt brush jr
1.Most or all of Cornell's works are in boxes of some sort. Most of them have dolls or babies. Also, they all contain a mixture of objects you would normally not see together in one piece.
2. In all the work influenced by Cornell, they are in boxes. Every one. I also a lot of the baby heads that I also saw in Cornell's work.
3. I like the work in picture 18 because visually, it is really striking. I like the pose as well as the way the materials are arranged. The cork for the head is ingenius.
4. I would like to use barbies and doll heads much like in the pictures because it has a striking visual appeal. I want to use some kind of substance that mimicks blood.
5. I will look in my spare room for old toys and what not to complete this project. I will also look in my basement and at my dad's antique store for parts that are one of a kind
1. the main features of 1-5 are each piece is in a box, made of wood, and each contains a human face somewhere.
2.some similarities between the work is that both use the human figure and of course are contained in a box.
3.the few pieces i enjoy are no.19, 21, and 27. each are of course unique and make great use of old items and shows a great side of creativity.
4.old barbie dolls, random pieces of wood, other old toys around the house, and maybe old silverwear.
5. around the house, at the dollar store, junk yard, brightmore :P
posted by AnthonyB. XP
1) All of Cornell's pieces have a vintage, almost tarnished look to them. They are all centered around a box shape, with various compartments inside.
2) The pieces influenced by him are also contained within a box shape. However, these pieces seem to use more toy pieces, specifically baby doll parts.
3) I chose image number 19. These pieces seem to have an almost innocent look to them, which makes them stand out from the rest of the artwork that has a much creepier tone. The tea kettle type shape adapts well to a human form, and the angles of the pool balls make the figures look as if they are staring fondly at one another. It gives the pieces an element of emotion.
4) I will definitely use a lot of "natural" items, like twigs and leaves and rocks and things. I like taking earthy materials and transforming them into something new and modern.
5) Outdoors.
1.Some of the main features of Cornell's assemblages is that they are boxy in shape and they all look like they depict some type of scene.
2.The works in pictures 6-15 compared to the works of Cornell are similar in their boxy shape, but the differences are the things they depict in 6-15 are much more desolate then those of Cornell.
3.(26)I like this one more than the others because it's not as grim as the others also it shows a scene thats more real not crazy and twisted.
4.Off the top of my head some of the things that i mite look to use in my assemblage are clay maybe some various items as well.
5.Some places I mite look to find some objects are in the classroom or at home.
I like this assemblage because its cute, simple and it shows something of a happier nature.
1. I noticed he keeps his images in very neat frames,and the images are very organized. He seems to have some sense of a colour scheme and he also include wood as a basis in the structure.
2. 6-9 and 13 all keep the 'frame' theme that Cornell displayed in his work. Pictures 6-9 also have a colour scheme, or set mood in their pieces. All of the pieces share a contrast of lights and darks, either by using colour or different shades of the same colour.
The first piece that I noticed was completely different was 8. It's made of seemingly all metal and no wood or other seeable materials.The other pieces seem to have a theme of displaced objects, whether they be body parts or everday objects.
3. I really like 19 and 20 because first off, I like the robot theme. I like how both were intentionally put together with thought and each piece seems to serve a purpose instead of just being displaced randomly. I admire the 'stylized' effect, and how there is colour contrast. Meaning the cools of the background and how they contrast with the warm colours of the individual pieces.
4. I like they idea of using old childs toys, and pieces of doll. So, I may look into that and see what things I can come up with, maybe use hot wheels for heads or something.
5. We have a trunk in the basement full of old toys, some of which I'm sure are falling apart. So, that's where I'll start, then I'l' search my room and some thrift stores.
http://wet.panit.co.uk/images/angelassemblage.jpg This is an example of the warm/cool color mix I like. Also, I think this is supposed to represent the idea of a christmas tree using random objects, which I like.
http://www.theotherjournal.com/article_files/Barry_Krammes-11.jpg This piece is intriging in many ways. The artist draws you in with the rusted look of the whole piece, leaving you to believe it may actually be an old doll house. However, when you look closer there are pieces that you can see that may be found objects, like the top of the house that looks like found, rusted metal.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-f9wvPsngUU/SlomEnrzLlI/AAAAAAAABBA/lfSr1hH-etE/s320/Assemblage+-+Faith+bust+7-2009.jpg This is one example of the human/machine mix that I really like, and I might try. However, I'd like to make mine more abstract. Here, I admire how they use the face of the doll kind of like the clock face, I thought that was very creative.
celia eddy
1.some of the main features of cornell's assemblage is wood boxes.
2.i think of toy story when i see his work,for example image 27. both artists use wood in their art.
3.i like image 20 beacause i like the indivisual pieces they used in this project.
like the main pieca is a camera i think.
4.i really have no idea where to start so i really don't know what type of materials i'm looking for.
5.well since it's spring now garage sales are out. and i'll take a look in my basement.
6.http://toryfolliard.com/moxiepix/b7_94.jpg(i like this one because i like the materials they used to create the pig, and i think it's well constructed)http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3898092830/(i like this one because of the vintage tin that was used and the old sink handle)http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3560538574/(i like this one for no particular reason, i just think it's cute)
1. I noticed he keeps his images in very neat frames,and the images are very organized. He seems to have some sense of a colour scheme and he also include wood as a basis in the structure.
2. 6-9 and 13 all keep the 'frame' theme that Cornell displayed in his work. Pictures 6-9 also have a colour scheme, or set mood in their pieces. All of the pieces share a contrast of lights and darks, either by using colour or different shades of the same colour.
The first piece that I noticed was completely different was 8. It's made of seemingly all metal and no wood or other seeable materials.The other pieces seem to have a theme of displaced objects, whether they be body parts or everday objects.
3. I really like 19 and 20 because first off, I like the robot theme. I like how both were intentionally put together with thought and each piece seems to serve a purpose instead of just being displaced randomly. I admire the 'stylized' effect, and how there is colour contrast. Meaning the cools of the background and how they contrast with the warm colours of the individual pieces.
4. I like they idea of using old childs toys, and pieces of doll. So, I may look into that and see what things I can come up with, maybe use hot wheels for heads or something.
5. We have a trunk in the basement full of old toys, some of which I'm sure are falling apart. So, that's where I'll start, then I'l' search my room and some thrift stores.
http://wet.panit.co.uk/images/angelassemblage.jpg This is an example of the warm/cool color mix I like. Also, I think this is supposed to represent the idea of a christmas tree using random objects, which I like.
http://www.theotherjournal.com/article_files/Barry_Krammes-11.jpg This piece is intriging in many ways. The artist draws you in with the rusted look of the whole piece, leaving you to believe it may actually be an old doll house. However, when you look closer there are pieces that you can see that may be found objects, like the top of the house that looks like found, rusted metal.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-f9wvPsngUU/SlomEnrzLlI/AAAAAAAABBA/lfSr1hH-etE/s320/Assemblage+-+Faith+bust+7-2009.jpg This is one example of the human/machine mix that I really like, and I might try. However, I'd like to make mine more abstract. Here, I admire how they use the face of the doll kind of like the clock face, I thought that was very creative.
Tachae (sorry, I forgot to put my name the first time).
1. All of Cornell's assemblages are made in wooden boxes and are made from found objects.
2. The work of artists influenced by Cornell are also made in wooden boxes and with found objects. One difference is that Cornell's assemblage is within the wooden box while some of the pieces by other artists have assemblage on the outside of the box.
3. 20 This piece looks like a robot and appears to be made from a camera, a timer, dominos and several other small pieces. I like this piece because it is made out of older objects, but has the look of a future robot.
4. I might look for old toys and a wooden box.
5. I might look through my old stuff and at garage sales and resale shops.
Rebecca Reichenbach
1) All of Cornell's pieces have a vintage, almost tarnished look to them. They are all centered around a box shape, with various compartments inside.
2) The also are contained within a box shape. These pieces use more baby doll parts.
3) I chose image number 19. These pieces has a goody good...innocent look to them.It stands out from the rest that look much creepier.
4) I will definitely use a lot of material.
5) indoors.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3898092830/(i like this one because of the vintage tin that was used and the old sink handle)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3560538574/(i like this one for no particular reason, i just think it's cute)
bianca hudson said...
1) All of Cornell's pieces have a vintage, almost tarnished look to them. They are all centered around a box shape, with various compartments inside.
2) The also are contained within a box shape. These pieces use more baby doll parts.
3) I chose image number 19. These pieces has a goody good...innocent look to them.It stands out from the rest that look much creepier.
4) I will definitely use a lot of material.
5) indoors.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3898092830/(i like this one because of the vintage tin that was used and the old sink handle)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3560538574/(i like this one for no particular reason, i just think it's cute)
bianca.....Anonymous said...
1) All of Cornell's pieces have a vintage, almost tarnished look to them. They are all centered around a box shape, with various compartments inside.
2) The also are contained within a box shape. These pieces use more baby doll parts.
3) I chose image number 19. These pieces has a goody good...innocent look to them.It stands out from the rest that look much creepier.
4) I will definitely use a lot of material.
5) indoors.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3898092830/(i like this one because of the vintage tin that was used and the old sink handle)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/willwagenaar/3560538574/(i like this one for no particular reason, i just think it's cute)
1) Most of Cornell's pieces are assembled in some sort of box. Many of them have baby dolls or shelving in them. Various objects that wouldn't normally be thought of as going together are also used.
2) 6-15 strongly resemble the work of Cornell. The artists use baby dolls and start with a box like Cornell does. And they're just as cluttered.
3) I enjoy 22, mostly because I like the idea of using light bulbs for the heads and the fact that it is free standing (I think I will do a free standing sculpture) i love joe.
4) I am pretty sure I want to use photos for part of it, cutting them up and such. Other than that, I'll just play it by ear.
5) I will look throughout my house for objects; I’ve been collecting odds and ends for a while now.
6)http://www.kickarts.org.au/archives/2005/img_artland/EnviroFiguresSide_001.jpg - I dig this sculpture for a few reasons, The repetition in it, the head turned into a hand, and the smallness of the figures.
http://www.kickarts.org.au/archives/2005/img_artland/EnviroFiguresSide_001.jpg - I dig this one as well, not for the style or the look of it, but the idea is really cool.
Madeline Toro
Jazmine Hill
1.Wooden boxes & shelves
2.The similarities are the different wood boxes and objects, and then the objects are different from each other, and more raw. The asemblage is different too.
3. I like 19. I like this piece because it looks classic, and not that difficult of work.
4.In a assemblage, I look for lovely things, and colorful objects as well.
5. I would look in an art store for my lovely assemblage pieces.
1. All of the main features of Cornell's assemblages is that they are boxy in shape and they all look like they depict some type of scene. Some have a parrot inside and some have a map inside the box.
2. The artists use baby dolls and start with a box like Cornell does. And they're just as cluttered.
3. I like 27 because I like the baby doll head from Toy Story. It's kind of creepy when its head is attached with a weird metal spider.
4. I really have no idea where to start so I really don't know what type of materials I'm looking for.
5. I might find pieces from the basement at my house.
Chris Rudko
1) What are some of the main features or characteristics of Cornell's assemblages (images 1-5)?
Well, for starters, each of his assemblages are placed into wooden boxes. He also included a lot of old timey stuff in all five. The first four have paper cutouts of things like maps, money and a parakeet! The fourth one is the only exception with its antique doll.
2) Consider the work of the artists influenced by Cornell, as shown above (images 6 through 15). Compare this work to Cornell's. What similarities do you see? What are some differences?
Most of the pieces that were influenced by Cornell contain some sort of tribute to the human figure and, although the human figure is only portrayed in one or two of Cornells boxes, the ones with some kind of focus on a person or a figure are the most powerful. Cornells are classier, older looking. Each of his looks like you could buy it straight out of an antique store. The rest in comparison are much more modern and less neat and straight-laced.
3) Select one of the Freestanding / Full Round Assemblage images that you like (17-27). Give the number of the piece, and then describe the piece and explain why you like it. Be specific-- a comment such as "I like it because it's really sweet" is not acceptable.
4) Off the top of your head, what kinds of things might you look for to use in your assemblage?
Garbage. T.V. tubes, Microchips, light switches, stickers, candy bar wrapers, egg cartons. Im pretty much just naming anything that comes to mind.
5) Where are some places you might look to find objects for this project?
Abandoned buildings, garbage cans (^^), my attack, Hamtramck City Hall, Thrift Stores.
6) Bonus question-- copy and paste links to a couple images of assemblages that you like, and explain what you like about them (they should be either similar to work by Joseph Cornell or freestanding / full round assemblages, as shown above).
this one's just got a whole bunch of stuff going and altogether it looks super nice and complicated but if you pick it apart piece by piece, the parts that make it up aren't really super unique. Things that are usually pretty crafty like seashells and beads are used in it.
I love this because it's just a tiny, cute metal robot with keys.
1) Cornell’s assemblages work was contained in a box.
2) Some similarities with the assemblage work are that they contain boxes and dolls. Some differences with the assemblage work is that some are free-standing.
3) I like 20 because it because it is a unique robot and all the added elements work.
4) I really liked 20 so I will probably look for items to create a robot. Maybe even some of the same elements.
5) In the basement is where there are some of my old toys that I haven’t touched in years. I might even shop at thrift stores if I need more items.
I like this one because it has some bright colors and the other half is black and white.
I'm an art teacher, and I really love using this artist for an assignment. Really good set up and use of images to introduce it. I might be using your idea with my students. Do you have any student samples?
Thanks; glad you like the project. You can see some student art from this project here:
Did this column die off in 2013?
Thank you.
I retired from my teaching job, so this blog is no longer active.
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